CSE Student Representatives

Your 2023 stureps are:

Undergraduate First Year Jasmin Wu Amber Chou
Undergraduate Second Year Sylvia Wang Zechen Yang
Undergraduate Third Year N/A N/A
Undergraduate Fourth Year (and above) Abiram Nadarajah Paula Tennent
Postgraduate Ady Dobles N/A

The Stureps have monthly meetings with the CSE School Executive.

2024 Minutes

2023 Minutes

2022 Minutes

2021 Minutes

2020 Minutes


If you have any feedback or concerns, please let us know and we'll do our best to help you out.

Anonymous Contact

If you have feedback you'd prefer to be anonymous, let us know here. This only works on the cgi domain.

The Report Archive

We keep a record of the summary reports that the Stureps have written for the Head of School meetings over the past few years. The analysis in these reports is based upon the data collected from the student surveys, student feedback and comments received.